Posts Tagged ‘twitter’

The top ten most annoying tweets, according to Niall Harbison. I’d say the majority of Twitter addicts are guilty of at least two of these on a regular basis.

After his no-show last week for the US v Ireland at the National Stadium, the only clues to Kenny Egan’s whereabouts were on Twitter. @kennyegan was leaving us cryptic clues about his whereabouts through pictures and posts that seemed to suggest he was in New York. But @kennyegan is no more.

Brooks Bayne has started a bit of a spat on the internet by speculating about fake twitter followers.

Small victory for Pirate Bay. [BBC] The charges against the site have been “simplified” – meaning prosecuters have dropped the “assisting copyright infringement” ones and decided to proceed with the “assisting making available copyright material” charges.

A month ago, I didn’t have a Twitter account. Well, not a proper one anyway. Now I’m hooked.



Microsoft is planning to go directly to the customer with a chain of retail stores. [Information Week] The fight against the Conficker worm heats up [Washington Post] Could Twitter be about to branch out? [VNUNet]