Archive for the ‘Email’ Category

Mistakes happen. Every now and again we all get our email addresses wrong. But a polite request to the person who keeps giving out my gmail address as theirs: please stop. In the past few months I have had family emails, friends updating me about hen parties I’m not actually going to and, once, some […]

Another week, another survey on how the internet is wasting time for Irish employers. This one, by Peninsula Ireland, says Irish employees are wasting two hours and 20 minutes a day on personal internet use [Irish Times]. Now, does anyone else suspect some fudging of the truth was going on here?

I love the different web clips that Google sticks into my Gmail account. Every so often there’s something interesting. Sometimes they are just bizarre. Like today’s “gem”. “Inbox [2] Unread – – There are secret messages waiting for you. Read them here €10/wk” Oh look, internet strangers are sending me secret messages. I’ll just […]

I think I may have a problem. In the space of the past half hour I’ve caught myself checking my email three times (once every ten minutes, maths fans). Not so unusual during working hours, but the problems here are: 1. I’m not working 2. It’s saturday, so I should be doing something else, like […]

I’m a big fan of Google labs. The experimental features that pop up from time to time, some useful, others… not so much. The latest addition, offline Gmail, definitely falls into the former category.