Archive for the ‘Mobile devices’ Category

So I got my hands on the Blackberry Storm last week. Much excitement. It looks good, the clickable touchscreen intrigues me. Very impressed by the 8gb memory card included with it. I spend at least 10 minutes of every day turning it around to watch the screen rotate itself (yes I am that sad).

I was never a big fan of Blackberry devices in the past. They seemed a little too serious, a little too business-like for my taste. And to be fair, they were originally designed to keep busy people tethered to their email no matter where they were. However, RIM’s latest offerings have certainly shaken off the […]

How times have changed. When I first started going to concerts, you were thoroughly searched on the way in for cameras and other recording equipment that might be used to video the band.

The INQ phone is designed to appeal to those who can’t bear to be disconnected from Facebook or Bebo or longer than is necessary. Who need to be hooked into Skype or MSN Messengerfor large parts of the day because .. well, just because. In other words, it was designed to appeal to someone just […]

And again…


Speaking of mobiles, another new one has crossed my desk for testing. No saved texts or incriminating pics on this one. But it did have someone’s facebook account logged in. It’s probably a good thing I don’t have (that much of) an evil streak!

Well it’s about time. Apparently manufacturers have agreed on a standard charger for mobile phones, meaning that tangle of cables and old chargers could be a thing of the the past.

Companies threaten legal action over some strange things, but a row over using the phrase “pull my finger” in advertising has to be one of the more ridiculous cases.

With so many online stores hawking applications and content for your mobile, there needs to be a new angle for people to take notice of yet another one.

I’ve just been sent a new mobile phone by a PR company (we won’t mention any names) to take a look at. One question springs to mind: who set the phone up? Because I’d be interested to know exactly who names their phone “SexyBastard” in their bluetooth settings… Update: Further investigation reveals some “interesting” text […]

I think I may have a problem. In the space of the past half hour I’ve caught myself checking my email three times (once every ten minutes, maths fans). Not so unusual during working hours, but the problems here are: 1. I’m not working 2. It’s saturday, so I should be doing something else, like […]